why should you join?
Let me level with you:
The marketing world is cringeworthy TO SAY THE LEAST.
It’s a parade of grifters yelling “value” at the top of their lungs while giving you the same recycled advice you’ve already seen 50 times
I’ve helped clients generate $50 million with VSLs, sales letters, and marketing strategies that flat out work And i'm constantly working with new clients every single day.
instead of turning this into another ultra-serious, “here’s your value-packed actionable tips” newsletter (which you probably already get 15 of), I decided to do something radical!
Make marketing fun again.
What happened to that, huh?
Marketing used to be creative. It used to have personality. Now it’s a bunch of value robots throwing buzzwords at you.
We do things different around here.
marketing doesn’t have to be dryer than your mom's turkey on thanksgiving—it can be fun, too.
This newsletter isn’t here to bore you to death or make you feel like you’re being lectured by some dude who just read his first Dan Kennedy book.
It’s here to give you something real, something useful, and most importantly something that makes you think differently about marketing.
Pour a cup of coffee, sit down, and laugh while accidentally learning how to get better at brainwashing the masses to buy your stuff.
Or don’t. That’s fine too. maybe the clickfunnels newsletter is better suited for you!
wow look at how diverse the readers of this newsletter are

white man




This is a man

here's my portfolio if you care
jordan belfort
you know him from the wolf of wall street. jordan belfort is one of the most notorious and well known sales trainers of all time. we worked alongside jordan and his team to produce a sales video for his flagship program, straight line selling. to be completely honest, this was the easiest project of all time because jordan really is that good on camera.
alex jones
we worked alongside alex and his team to help produce a sales video to promote a new product infowars was releasing. this sales video, while it wasn't made for an appointment based sales team, ended up selling over $5,000,000 worth of products in 14 days. kinda cool. dangerous to put on our portfolio? definitely. does it get rid of bad fit clients? absolutely.
one of our lesser "brand famous" clients actually holds the record for most revenue produced from a single sales video. We made this 20 minute explainer video (which became well-known in the industry as "the pancake video") for tim sanders and his company private label masters. it has brought in over $17,000,000, and that numbers continues to increase each and every month.
what happens when the guy who makes sales videos for a living decides to sell a brand new product? well, in the instance of 4creators, this sales video helped bring in over $100,000 in sales for our founder Nicholas verge's experience cohort he launched in august of 2024. using the same tactics that have made his clients millions, nick positioned his mentorship experience as a complete career changer for his audience.
beyond driven
tim arrigo and his business beyond driven was stuck at around $60,000 per month when they came to us. their sales video was bringing in the wrong types of prospects (poor people), so we worked our magic, and helped them put together a sales video that spoke to a much more affluent audience. they've scaled their business up to over $300,000 a month since implementing this new sales video.
quazi johir
quazi already had a sales video in place that was working well with his organic audience, however he was struggling to scale it with paid ads. so he did what every smart handsome business owner would do. hire us. the new sales video took his conversion rate from 3% to 11% within the first 90 days of launching, and later lowered down to around 6-8% depending on the month to month performance.
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